Thursday, November 24, 2011

So Thankful

Every year I find more and more to be thankful for. At the top of the list is my fantastic health. Seriously, I believe I am healthier than I was 10 years ago. I seem to have more energy and my hair doesn't fall out nearly as much as it did when I was in high school, not to mention just 5 years ago.

Sure my diet is pretty good, as I have trained myself to eat healthy since I discovered my own food/mood connection at the young age of 18. But I really don't think that is why my health is so much better. I know others who have terrible diets and they don't seem to be at the effects of what they put into their bodies. Still, I'm pretty careful since I've learned how to provide myself with tasty, pleasing foods that are good for me.

I believe that my good health has more to do with my gumption for life than my diet or the amount of water that I drink. I'm finally surrounding myself with positive, encouraging people who build up rather than tear down. And it is not because they are building ME up that has this magical effect. It is that they are teaching me to be a builder and encourager which is more in sync with the way a body is supposed to be. Positive thoughts and belief in my fellow man is the most nutritious food.